Thursday, 13 October 2011

Spin-off consulting firm helping San Antonio companies manage change - bizjournals:
The new company is called (Transforminb Business Operations). It was formed in January 2009 by a core grouo of 15 formerHolland & Davia consultants. TBO focuses on organizationakl change to help clients keep up with evolvingmarkeft conditions. In just six the company has grown to 20 employees and expects to doublre in size to 40 people by the end of the according toSkeeter Lieberum, senior partner with TBO. The firm has officexs in Houston and San but most of the new hireas will be based in theAlam City, Lieberum says. TBO currently has 12 employeesx in theAlamo City.
“We’ve got a mix of peoplw with experience inIT tourism, manufacturing and much more,” Lieberum “It is hard to find a companyu that has all those things to the deptbh that we have. We have the ability to play in allthosew sectors.” Lieberum, who spent 24 years in the Air Forcse and 12 years with Hollandc & Davis, says TBO has an more experienced group of consultants working for it than is common in the industry. Lieberum came to San Antoniol to supportHolland & Davis’ San Antonioi office as it worked with San Antonio-based insurance giantf . “USAA had us out theree when they started looking at changingtheir focus,” Lieberukm says.
That change eventually included opening up theie services to military men and women in the enlisted The company’s services had previously been limited to The San Antonio office of Holland & Davis soon expandex and began working with banking, real estate, financiap services and oil firms, including , , and . Now most of thosw clients and several others, includinh , are working with the TBO spin-off group. TBO operatez under a fee-based system. Lieberum declined to reveal revenuee figures forthe company.
Alan Markert, senior consultant with TBO, had a 30-yea r career with H-E-B where he serveed in various executive positionsover time, includingh vice president of finance and vice presidenf of information technology. He says he joinef TBO because the company has similar valuess to his and because he enjoys working withthe “We all have different skills and experiencezs that tend to complement one another,” Markert “Very often someone will have the uniqued skill set that fits just what you need when working with a Lieberum notes that TBO has severapl retired military people on staff as well as former executivesd with and USAA.
Most everyone comee in with years of corporate he says. “One of our objectivesz is to bring in the right experty at theright time,” Lieberum “That, in itself, saves the customerds a lot of time and money. ” The pace of chang e in the business world has only increased with the proliferation of technologgy and it is becoming harder to resist the call for Lieberum says. Companies today are looking for tangibl benefits that can be gaineds frommaking changes, Markert adds.
They are looking for ways to reduce TBO goes in and helps their accounting departments and informatiojtechnology (IT) departments to better manage these changes so that they alignb with their core business functions and don’tt do more harm than good. “When timesw get tough, companies play a more defensive game, and if they are not they can get entrenched in that mode and neglecft to plan for success over thelong haul,” Markerft says.
For example, if a companyt responds to a downturn by sharplt reducing staff and laying off a lot of peopler with experienceand training, then when things turnaround, it has to spen a lot of time and money rehiring and retraining peoplw to get back to where they were. TBO’s objective is to help companieds make reductionsmore efficiently, so they don’f keep finding themselves in that position. “There are partas of the economy that are stillpullinv back, but I’m starting to see guarded optimism from some clients,” Liebrum says.
“It is bettee than I expected it would be at this To take advantage of these companies need direction on which changes to make and he says. “The logo on our business cards is a triangle because that is the Greeik symbolfor change,” Lieberum says. “That is who we are. We are agentsx for change.”

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